Our mission is to identify novel cardiac therapies through targeting of the disease transcriptome. Founded in 2016, Genome Biologics won the EIC SME Instrument Phase 1 and the German Biotechnology Day challenge award in 2017, becoming founder resident at Johnson & Johnson Innovation - JLABS in Beerse, Belgium. In 2018, we won the EIC SME Instrument Phase 2 and Merck Venture Lounge award. Our Ai-driven GENIMAPS and preclinical GENISYST precision disease modelling technology has led to joint and in-house drug development programs with MedChem and Pharma. In addition to funding and support from the European Union Innovation Council (EIC), JLABS, Medical Research Council (MRC/UKRI), Hessen Trade and Invest and Goethe University Frankfurt, Genome Biologics has raised private investment for indication specific programs.
Prof. Jaya Krishnan has more than 20 years experience in preclinical models and cardiovascular disease research. He completed his PhD at Imperial College London and led research at the ETH-Zurich, Medical Research Council UK and Imperial College London. He currently leads an RNA Therapeutics group in Germany.
Head of Research and Drug Discovery
Dr. Ting Yuan has more than 10 years experience in pre-clinical models and metabolic disease research. She completed her PhD at University of Bremen. Ting led multiple research projects at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main. She worked on signal transduction pathways, metabolic and inflammatory disease models, and has published numerous papers in prestigious scientific journals.
CEO: AtumRa Therapeutics
Senior Fellow: A*STAR
Drug Development Expert
Alex Matter was CEO of the Experimental Therapeutics Centre and previously CEO of the D3 A*STAR platform. Prior to his move to A*STAR, he was Director of the Novartis Institute for Tropical Diseases (NITD), Global Head of Oncology Research for Novartis and Global Head of Oncology at Roche. Dr. Matter was fundamental in the development of Imatinib/Gleevec/Glivec® and Nilotinib/Tasigna®, Panobinostat/Faridak®, Midostaurin/Rydapt® and Reyataz®. Dr. Matter is the recipient of the Life-time Achievement Award from IBC Life Sciences, the Warren-Alpert prize, the AACR-Bruce F. Cain Memorial Award and the Szent-Györgyi Prize.
Director (Asia Pacific): ICON Clinical Research
Clinical Trials Expert
Jean-Paul Desylpere received his medical degree from the University of Gent in Belgium in 1977. He was director of the Endocrine Lab at the University and also Head of the Metabolic and Lipid Disorder Clinic of the University Hospital. In 1992, he was appointed Professor of Endocrinology and Research Director at the NFSR. Dr. Deslypere left the University in 1997 and started working for the clinical trial industry, first as Director International Operations of a central lab (BARC) and subsequently as Regional Director Asia Pacific for ICON Clinical Research based in Singapore.
Professor of Metabolism: Cambridge University
Scientific Director: Cambridge Phenomics
Metabolic Disease Expert
Tony Vidal-Puig is Professor of Molecular Nutrition and Metabolism at Cambridge University. His is Principal Investigator at the Medical Research Council Metabolic Disease Unit and at the Wellcome trust Sanger Institute, and serves as Scientific Director of the Cambridge Phenomics Centre, a state-of-the-art centre that applies multidisciplinary approaches to murine metabolic and cardiometabolic phenotyping. He is also a Consultant Endocrinologist in Metabolic Medicine at Addenbrooke’s Hospital.
Professor for Microvascular Pathobiology: University of Heidelberg
Cancer Expert
Jonathan Sleeman is Franz-Volhard Professor for Microvascular Biology and Pathobiology at the University of Heidelberg. The Sleeman lab is part of the Center for Biomedicine and Medical Technology Mannheim. Prof. Sleeman is also associated with KIT (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology). He led the EU-funded Framework Programme 7 Collaborative Project TuMIC (Tumor Metastasis Integrated Concept), and was coordinator of the EU-funded Framework Programme 6 STREP project BRECOSM (Identification of Molecular Pathways that regulate the organ-specific metastasis of breast cancer).
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